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Patreon report: August

September 04, 2018 2174

The last summer month has brought many events. President Nazarbayev has signed the law "On the protection of children from information" - for the time being it does not ban so-called "gay propaganda". Let’s say it's good news. The bad news is LGBT activist Zhanar Sekerbayeva was forcibly taken to the police station, and later she was tried by a court that accused her of hooliganism for a photoshoot to protest against the stigmatization of menstruation. It also turned out that in the Supreme Court Council of Kazakhstan, the body that recruits judges, there is a terrible homophobe - former Supreme Court judge Nikolai Mamontov, who wrote a Facebook post urging the authorities of Kazakhstan to invite R. Kadyrov to conduct prevention among homosexuals. We remind that, in 2017 in Chechnya, led by R. Kadyrov, the police killed more than 20 gay men, dozens were tortured, kidnapped and extorted.

Also the next advertising campaign of the project Tell About Your Trouble was held in August with help of the funds collected on Patreon.

Funds received

By August, we managed to raise $177 on Patreon, but received $155.10 (87.63%). The difference is Patreon fee ($8.85, i.е. 5%) and PayPal fee ($13.05, i.е 7.37%). PayPal account eventually credited $ 161,89 (why we received $6.79 more we do not know - apparently some internal calculations of the system)

  • Balance from the previous month - $ 14,79
  • Direct transfers to PayPal - $ 8,7
  • Total for the August advertising campaign, we raised $ 185,38.

Used funds

Two advertising campaigns were launched. One is directed to LBT-women, the another - to GBT-men, we spent $80,52 and $79,48 respectively. The balance $25,38 goes to September.

Campaign results

For the campaign, the goal "Coverage" was chosen, according to which advertising is shown to one user only once - thus, it is distributed among as many people as possible. Geographical targeting - Kazakhstan.

  • Advertising for LBT-women covered 64 160 people.
  • Advertising for GBT-men covered 23 136 people.
  • Total - 87 296 people have seen the advertisement of the project Tell About Your Trouble.

Compare to the July campaign, coverage fell by 7 481. This decline looks unexpected, given that last month it was spent $ 43,81 more.

We explain this by the fact that we have changed the settings of the audience. Earlier, for women and for men, additional interests were set. The editors decided that these sets narrow the audience's coverage, so in the August campaign all additional interests were removed, which led to opposite results.

The decrease affected all the indicators of the quality of the campaign.

  1. Attendance of the article Tell About Your Trouble, which refers to the advertising profile during the August campaign increased from 13 429 views to approximately 23 140. This is about 7 thousand less than the increase of attendance of the article in July with a smaller budget.
  2. Publications had less involvement of the audience - fewer both homophobic and positive comments, which of course reduced the organic coverage.

Statistics "Tell About Your Trouble"

To date, 32 people have reported cases of discrimination and hate crimes related to sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) - 5 more than in July.

The project "Tell About Your Trouble" is a tool for monitoring cases of discrimination and hate crimes towards LGBT. Since there is no such legislative in Kazakhstan, there are no statistics, and therefore there are “no crimes”. This is what homophobes and officials say. But the community members’ experience suggest otherwise. Tell About Your Trouble allows people, with whom a disaster has occurred, and who will not go to the police because of fear, at least to report what happened to them. These statistics will become part of the alternative report on human rights in Kazakhstan in 2019, when our officials will report to UN.

You may become our partner. Every dollar increases the coverage of LGBT Kazakhs, which know - even in case of trouble they are not alone.

Become our partner on Patreon.


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