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April 05, 20203939

"They'll kill me and tell my parents that I went missing"

Within the project "Tell about the trouble" we received a message from Adilet (the name was changed) from Astana. We've decided to publish the original message with only some punctuation revised:

"I am the youngest kid of my parents. The threat comes not from them but from my brothers and sisters. They found out that I'm gay. That is hard to recognize this fact but, it seems that I can't revert anything. I ran away twice from my home but they always find me, they brought me by force and beat up me. First time they just fractured me. Then they brought me into a truck of a car and drove away from the city, they beat me so hardly as I literally wet myself. I had a concussion, my legs couldn't walk. It was November and the beginning of December (in northern Kazakhstan winters start early and the temperatures can run down below -30 degrees Celsius)  They left me in a summer kitchen for two weeks, the room had no heating.

I didn't attend any college or university because they never wanted me to. I was a hard-worker at home. Second time I ran away after my brother had come completely drunk and started the investigation, though that wasn't for the first time. Every time he was drunk he beat me, both sisters and brothers did.

I was sick of it, I left my home without any documents or money. I reached another city and lived homeless. I visited a community service center in order to restore my documents, MIA officers met me, they informed that I was considered missing. They took me and told that my brothers have connections everywhere  They drove me to my home and injured my hands in three places, I couldn't move my left hand. As they wanted, I worked physically.

That time I ran away for the last time. I was completely tired of listening to their complaints about me. They don't let me eating together with my parents. They always scream about my character. That time when I ran away they told me (by telephone) they're going to find me. I switched my SIM cards twice. They found me and threatened with death, they told that they will kill me and bury somewhere in the steppe, nobody will attempt finding me, and say to my parents that they just didn't find me.

My parents are very old, they are about 80 years old. My brothers and sisters are despots. They handle my parents' money. Even when I had a job, I never bought anything for myself and only took debts for them. When I lost my job I was blacklisted. Thank god I've paid everything back. I don't get depressed, I just want to live independently. I want to walk outdoors feeling secure. I just want justice and nothing more."

Now we are searching for any aid for Adilet. We've already found a lawyer that consults Adilet now. Also, we're trying to find him shelter.

The story in Russian. We thank the anonymous volunteer for the translation!


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