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Patreon report: January

February 13, 2019 3229

Dear partners!

Thanks to you, more and more lesbians, gays, bisexual and transgender people know that they can tell about their troubles. We hope that one day there will be no more such stories and Kazakhstan will be a country where every person is valued.

The project Tell About Your Trouble continues, and the time has come for the next report on the results of a monthly advertising campaign conducted using your donations.

Funds received

In January, $ 182.03 was transferred to Patreon for the project Tell About Your Trouble.

In addition, $ 10 was transferred to cover the’s operational costs.

Used funds

Two advertising campaigns of January.

We launched a campaign in VKontakte using the amount of 3,350 rubles ($ 51), thanks to which the announcement was shown to 27,443 people participating Kazakhstani LGBT publics/groups.

Instagram campaign costs $ 152. The ad was shown 51,584 times among the Kazakhstani user segment.

Statistics "Tell About Your Trouble"

In January, the form was filled with 13 real cases.

The project Tell About Your Trouble is a tool for monitoring cases of discrimination and hate crimes towards LGBT. Since there is no such legislative in Kazakhstan, there are no statistics, and therefore there are “no crimes”. This is what homophobes and officials say. But the community members’ experience suggest otherwise. Tell About Your Trouble allows people, with whom a disaster has occurred, and who will not go to the police because of fear, at least to report what happened to them. These statistics will become part of the alternative report on human rights in Kazakhstan in 2019, when our officials will report to UN.

You may become our partner. Every dollar increases the coverage of LGBT Kazakhs, which know - even in case of trouble they are not alone. Become our partner on Patreon.


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